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Writer's picture: Bill KeithBill Keith

Men, Jesus defines greatness as, “Whoever wants to be great must be your servant.”, in this changing time in our country, the Vision and Mission of Business Men’s Fellowship is who we are and what we’re about – leaders/men finding their destined purpose in life. In almost 30 years of BMF ministry, it’s time to REIMAGINE our ministry and gather together, brother to brother, and engage our minds, hearts and spirits in prayer, and dialogue with each other – reaching out beyond ourselves.

With this in mind, God has been speaking to me about our chapters and a revised ministry set up which brings all of us together as a Team – who have a shared sense of purpose in the Great Commission, a shared sense of servant spirit in supporting each other, and the satisfaction in working together for the glory of God. As a Team working together, we can achieve more, accomplish more, and make a greater Impact on our cities and communities for Christ!

To move forward in BMF Team building, I have asked Wendell Nordby to come along-side the BMF Leadership Team and serve as Chairman of the City Impact Teams – YOU, the team of brothers in Business Men’s Fellowship USA – YOU, the encouragers, mentors, and bridge builders reaching men in the marketplace. Wendell’s love for God, his faithfulness, commitment, and experience will be a tremendous blessing in BMF building forward – building relationships based on trust, integrity and humility. Our chapters are similar to an oasis in a dry desert place where men meet together in fellowship to pursue a shared interest with one another – maybe in one’s joy, another’s burden, but always with prayer that men come to know Christ as Savior. It’s Team building fellowship to recharge men to become better men – in their home, on their job, and in their realm of influence. Living in this social media age of technology, the resources to share the Gospel are incredible - it’s time to rekindle the flame of marketplace evangelism.

Brothers, when God gave the Vision to the Fellowship, it was all about reaching men for Christ. It was about evangelizing the world. And, the greatest evangelist in the world is YOU. The greatest method of evangelism is YOUR testimony. In asking Wendell to chair City Impact Teams, he will be contacting our men across America to implement Teams in your chapter – men working shoulder to shoulder, “Iron sharpening iron” fellowship ministry teams, that will Re-vitalize, Re-energize, Refresh, and Re-launch the Call that men will come to know Christ as Savior! Brothers, let’s Reimagine together – partnership in strategic planning to advance the mission and vision through City Impact Teams – because we’re better doing it together.

Brothers please feel free to contact me:


Bill Keith

(760)644-7210 - please note I live in So CA. PST



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