After attending Ronnie Svenhard’s Memorial service, where Bill Keith asked me to consider helping him bring a new wind of revival to the Fellowship, I was reflecting on my involvement with the FGBMFI and BMF.
It started in 1976, a year after I came to the Lord at the age of 34. My wife bought me a membership in FGBMFI for my birthday. This was a huge step in my walk with the Lord. I was encouraged, mentored, and grew in my relationship with Jesus, due to the time I spent with the men in the fellowship at breakfast, lunch, and dinner meetings. I listened to the men talk about their experiences of God working in their business and family lives. They prayed for one another at each of these meetings, and I witnessed many miracles within my own life and others.
So, brothers, I’m excited that the Lord is leading me to reach out to you men of BMF. My heart’s desire is that we meet-together in fellowship to pray for one another in each of these meetings, to encourage, inspire, uplift, and motivate each other – using the gifts God has given us – as we grow in the Lord.
As a start, we are planning a regional meeting in Northern California in late April. Our date and location will be announced later. Brothers, I will attempt to be in communication with you and if you would like to call or text me, my information is below.
Wendell Nordby